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Business & Finance

Glovo to close operation in Ghana on May 10

By : cd on 01 May 2024, 12:45     |     Source: christian ahorgah

Despite making large investments to expand its services over the last two years, Glovo, a well-known food delivery platform, has announced that it will cease operations in Ghana on May 10, 2024.

The company conveyed its network of restaurant partners to inform them of this development, citing challenges with profitability in the Ghanaian market as the reason for its decision.

Glovo clarified that its primary objective will now be to strengthen its position in other African markets, including those in Morocco, Uganda, Kenya, Côte d’Ivoire, and Nigeria.

“We are reaching you to communicate that Glovo has made the decision to close our Ghana operations by May 10th at 10:00 pm. The decision to end our operations in the country is based on a reassessment of our investment priorities as we focus our resources on the other 23 countries where Glovo operates.”

“As your service provider company will also inform you, the app and the slots will remain active until May 10th, 10:00 pm… after that, the app will close and won’t be able to book any slots.”

Glovo co-founder Sacha Michaud stated in 2021 that the business was investing 1.7 million euros in the venture.

“The Ghanaian market is a promising market for Glovo and we will continue to invest to reach all the regions of the country and bring convenience to people,” he said at the time.

In March 2021, the Barcelona, Spain-based technology delivery company Glovo, which was founded in 2015, made its debut in Ghana.

According to Mr. Michaud, Glovo joined the Ghanaian market to help make it easier for consumers to order goods online and have them delivered right to their homes.

Ghana’s expanding population and rising internet usage, according to Mr. Michaud during the launch, are beneficial for business.

He stated that Glovo operated in seven African countries, including Ghana. He also mentioned Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa as additional markets.